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Rules of the boarding


    Only pets over 4 months, identified and vaccinated are allowed. ORDER N ° 91-823 - MINISTERIAL DECREE OF JUNE 30, 1992.
    Dog: C.H.L.P.R. and kennel cough
    Cat: Typhus, Coryza, Rage, Leucose.
    At the arrival of the resident, the health book (up to date) and the tattoo card are required.
    Dogs of first and second categories are not accepted.


    Females in heat are not accepted. However, if the pet or pets were to have their heat during the stay, the pension declines all responsibility for any consequences that may result and, in addition, reserves the right to make all arrangements (isolation, treatment, etc.) to avoid any disturbance in the kennel. We are not entitled to receive a pet waiting to give birth, if for major reason you still give us custody, the pension will not be held responsible if the births go wrong (death of babies pet or mother).
    If the need for a veterinarian proves necessary for the good progress of the birth (caesarean or other), the expenses incurred will be the responsibility of the owner of the pet.


    The owner must warn us of possible health problems, character problems, veterinary treatments specific to the pet. We reserve the right to refuse any pet showing signs of aggression or behavior that is too fearful of pension staff and boarders.

    It is important to be as honest as possible about the pet's character and antecedents, as this will allow your pet to stay in the best conditions.


    An anti-parasite treatment is strongly recommended seven days before entering the kennel.

  5. 5| HYGIENE

    If there is a parasitic state detrimental to the good hygiene of the pension, the pet will undergo a disinfection at the expense of the owner (price of the treatment and 5,00€ extra for the administration of the treatment).

  6. 6| HEALTH

    The pension declines all responsibility in case of accident, illness or death, but agrees to warn the owner or his correspondent as soon as possible. The pension is only liable for a bite due to poor cohabitation. The pension is never responsible for the health of the pet: its sole obligation in this matter is, if there are suspicious signs, to have the resident examined by the veterinarian attached to the pension, to follow any medical prescriptions. and this at the expense of the owner of the pet.
    If the condition of the pet necessitates urgent medical or surgical intervention, the above-named owner agrees that the pension shall make all necessary arrangements for the health of his pet. It being understood that medical and surgical expenses will be at the expense of the owner.
    If the pet dies, an autopsy will be performed to determine the cause of death. A report will be prepared by the veterinarian and a certificate will be issued at the expense of the owner.

  7. 7| LEGAL

    The owner who must be insured in civil liability for his pet, remains responsible for all the possible damages caused by his pet during his stay in pension, except serious fault recognized attributable to the guardian of the pension.

  8. 8| FOOD

    The food must be given in sufficient quantity for the period of stay. However, if it happens that the food is not sufficient, we will provide the same food as far as possible. The purchase will be re-invoiced with a supplement of kilometric expenses according to the legal scale in force.


    Any pet not taken back from the pension 15 days after the date of departure stipulated in the contract, will be considered as abandoned. This will result in a lawsuit against the owner.

    In case your pet is not taken back on the date fixed on the contract, a supplement of one euro will be added to the price of day. In case of control of the veterinary service, the fine for exceeding the number of employees will be charged.

  10. 10| ABANDON

    The payment for the entire stay will be required upon arrival of the animal at the pension.